The Maui Humane Society is accepting donations on its website and on Facebook to help feed and care for displaced pets, many of whom need medical treatment.It's not just people who have been displaced or injured by the wildfires. How can I help pets affected by the fires? Donations sent in will allow the organization to continue working with local partners in Maui to get much-needed meals to evacuees and emergency workers. World Central Kitchen provides meals in response to humanitarian, climate, and community crises.The organizations says with every $1 given, they can provide 4 meals to those in the community. The Maui Food Bank will use donations to help provide meals for displaced residents.The Salvation Army’s Hawaiian and Pacific Islands Division is accepting donations to provide meals for the thousands of displaced residents in Maui emergency shelters.The foundation is accepting donations which will provide resources for disaster response and recovery. Hawaii Community Foundation is working to support communities affected by the Maui wildfires through the Maui Strong Fund.Aloha United Way, a non-profit organization based in Honolulu, has created the Maui Fire Relief Fund with donations going directly toward efforts that support victims of the fires.Through donations, the organization is working to help feed those affected by the Maui wildfires. Feeding America is a nationwide network of food banks, food pantries, and community-based organizations in the United States, which helps to provide essential resources during a disaster.

The organization is now accepting donations in response to the Maui wildfires. Americares has a long history of helping communities prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters.Visit, call 1-800-RED-CROSS (80), or text the word REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 donation. The Red Cross Disaster Relief fund enables the organization to prepare for and respond to crises like wildfires. The American Red Cross is on the ground in Maui helping those affected by the fires.The American Red Cross of Hawaii is accepting donations to help those displaced by the wildfire find safe shelters where they can get information, eat a hot meal, charge their phone, pick up relief supplies and get health services. Additionally, shoppers in Hawaii can donate up to $249 in the checkout lines of local Foodland grocery stores to support the American Red Cross of Hawaii's efforts.